Cryotherapy Facial for Acne

Cryotherapy Facial for Acne

If you have problems with acne, our signature Cryotherapy Facial will help! Cool air will instantly purify and invigorate your skin while promoting healing and reducing inflammation that caused acne. Your skin will be exposed to sub-zero temperatures only for a few minutes to promote blood circulation and enforce the creation of healthy cells. The procedure is perfectly safe and painless, offering the best possible natural alternative to medications.

acne treatment
Infrared Suana booth

Infrared Sauna for Acne

Infrared Sauna for Acne

Acne are often the result of clogged pores and poor blood circulation that cause inflammations and breakouts. Using dry and hot air, infrared saunas can help you purify your skin and rejuvenate it from within. The heat instantly unclogs pores and stimulates blood circulation throughout the epidermis. At the Recovery Hub, we offer infrared sauna treatments designed to improve the health and overall appearance of your complexion.

Floating Tank Therapy for Acne

Floating Tank Therapy for Acne

Floating tank therapy has many benefits, including an antibacterial effect that can help you get rid of acne. Rich in magnesium, water tampered with Epsom salts is a gentle exfoliator and purifies your skin. The treatment can help you unclog pores and nourish your skin. Additionally, it will also create a mental balance and reduce stress levels that could be the underlying cause of your skin problems.

therapy sa float tank
adelaide iv therapy

IV Drips for Acne

IV Drips for Acne

If you are looking for an instant solution for acne, try our IV drips blended to improve the health of your skin. They will heal your skin from within by supplying the epidermis with much-needed nutrients. At the Recovery Hub, we have intravenous treatments that can help you heal and prevent acne.

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