Whole-Body Cryotherapy for Multiple Sclerosis

Whole-Body Cryotherapy for Multiple Sclerosis

Many parallel medical research projects are assessing the impact of cryotherapy on patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. In addition to its potential healing powers, this therapy is beneficial because it can reduce or eliminate pain and inflammation related to this illness. Additionally, it also has the power to minimise many symptoms by eliminating stress, reducing the feeling of fatigue and producing an overall calming effect.

multiple sclerosis treatment
sauna room

Infrared Sauna for Multiple Sclerosis

Infrared Sauna for Multiple Sclerosis

Infrared sauna treatments at the Recovery Hub are designed to help you relax, unwind and improve life quality while also minimising the symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis. Because the air is dry, spending time in the sauna is perfectly comfortable, and you can reap the health benefits without sacrificing your comfort. Infrared heat will help you release the tension in the muscles, lower irritability, elevate your energy levels and improve sleep quality.

Floating Tanks for Multiple Sclerosis

Floating Tanks for Multiple Sclerosis

Floating tanks at the Recovery Hub are ideal for meditation and relaxation, but they also help you battle many symptoms of multiple sclerosis. The key benefits include the absorption of magnesium contained in Epsom salts and sensory deprivation that has a positive effect on your mind and body. When magnesium is absorbed through the skin, it can improve the health of your bones or muscles and heal your cardiovascular, neurological and digestive systems. On the other hand, floating produces a positive sensation and automatically raises the levels of happy hormones while reducing the levels of cortisol.

therapy sa float tank

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