Whole-Body Cryotherapy for Arthritis

Whole-Body Cryotherapy for Arthritis

Whole-Body Cryotherapy has astonishing effects on people suffering from arthritis because exposure to cool temperatures intercepts the pain signals reaching the brain. This therapy offers instant pain relief but also promotes the natural healing processes in the body by stimulating blood circulation. Regular sessions can help you feel better and significantly reduce the pain in joints, bones and muscles.

arthritis treatment
infrared saunas adelaide sout australia

Infrared Sauna for Arthritis

Infrared Sauna for Arthritis

Did you know that an infrared sauna promotes mobility and the health of joints? As infrared heat slowly penetrates your tissues, muscles and bones, the pain and stiffness decrease, and you can quickly feel many positive effects of the treatment. Sweating removes toxins from your body and improves blood circulation which effectively causes the expansion of blood vessels and promotes the flow of healthy nutrients throughout your body. At the Recovery Hub, we have the best infrared saunas available on the market to help you improve the health of your joints and muscles.

Floating Tanks for Arthritis

Floating Tanks for Arthritis

Filled with salted water, floating tanks are bound to improve the health of your joints and elevate your health and well-being. Epsom salts can help reduce the tension in your muscles and enhance the flexibility of joints while minimising pain and stiffness. The key benefit is a significant reduction of inflammation and a feeling of peace and calm. While lying in the tank filled with Epsom-infused water, your body is freely floating and there is no pressure on your bones.

sa float tank therapy
nutrient iv therapy

IV Drips for Arthritis

IV Drips for Arthritis

IV Drips can help you battle arthritis and improve the health of your joints by supplying important nutrients. The right mixture of vitamins and minerals can provide instant pain relief, speed up the healing processes in your body and strengthen your muscles and bones. At the Recovery Hub, we make sure to put together a mix of ingredients that will help you feel better and be healthier.

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