Cryotherapy for Treating Alzheimer’s

Cryotherapy for Treating Alzheimer’s

Did you know that whole-body Cryotherapy can help prevent and treat mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s? This disease is caused by the protein build-up in the brain which leads to the formation of plaque between and inside the cells. At the Recovery Hub, we have Cryotherapy that can improve your health by preventing inflammations, promoting blood circulation and elevating your well-being. Regular whole-body cryotherapy treatments can help prevent dangerous protein build-up and keep you healthy for longer.

alzheimers treatment
adelaide iv therapy

IV Drips for Alzheimer’s

IV Drips for Alzheimer’s

The Recovery Hub has intravenous treatments for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia. We administer IV drips that can help improve their health, restore the brain cells and alleviate the symptoms. NAD infusions can improve the health of your brain cells and prevent further deterioration of your condition. Call us and we will tailor a treatment plan that can improve your condition and produce long-term effects.

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